The Visual Communications program is located on the second floor of Building 4 on the Salem campus of Chemeketa Community College. We have several rooms dedicated to the program for lectures, labs, and open student workspaces. Our facilities were extensively remodeled during 2013-2014 and now feature state-of-the-art classrooms, labs, studios, and student areas. All of our VC classes are held in our facilities.
VR Tour of Building 4
Take a virtual tour of our facilities! This media works both with a standard display or with a set of VR goggles. The tour was created by Visual Communication students in VC241 Interactive Media during spring of 2018.
Classrooms & Common Areas

Building 4; Room 231
VC Commons
This is where you will find most of our students when they are not in class, and well as our instructional assistant, Julian Harkema's, office. There is a work area to trim and mount your projects for critique, and well as lunch tables, student fridge and microwave, and cafe-style seating. We have pay-as-you-print networked color laser printer that students have access to.

Building 4; Room 225
Linder Lecture Hall
This is the large lecture hall and seats over 40 students and hosts our graphic design, typography, and other lecture-based courses. Examples of excellent student work can be found on the walls and shelves of this room. This is where we hold class critiques of design work, and our annual Portfolio Show. The room is named after Christine Linder, who taught for 25 years in the Visual Communications program before retiring in spring of 2018.

Building 4; Room 229
Luba Lab
This Mac lab features 24 current iMacs with scanner access to every computer. The instructor has access to dual overhead projectors, a high-end audio system, and an Apple TV to project screens of iPhone and iPad devices. A copy of Adobe Creative Cloud 2018 is installed on every station, as well as Microsoft Office, Sketch, Panic's Coda and Transmit (Web design applications), Suitcase Fusion (font management), and other design and productivity software.

Building 4; Room 231C
Ansel Lab
This lab has 24 current iMacs and is primarily used for our photography classes. It includes two large-format Epson photo printers (Epson 4900) and one smaller Epson printer, both dedicated to our digital photography classes. This lab is often open for student use when not used for classes.

Building 4; Room 231D
Photography Studio
This room has our digital photography and filmmaking studio setups. Lighting, backdrops, and props are available to the students in those courses. There is also photo and filmmaking equipment for student's to check-out for use outside of the classroom.

Building 4; Room 231B
This room hosts our studio courses, in which students work with real clients on real projects. Its small size, high tables, whiteboard, and large screen monitor help facilitate collaborative conversations with clients and classmates.

Building 4; Room 223
Soundbooth Room
This room holds our soundbooth, which we share with the Chemeketa Music program. Notably, this booth was owned by recording artist James Taylor before being aquired by a high school in the Salem area, then by Chemeketa in 2018. There are also two high-end iMac Pros workstations with dual monitors and pro audio equipment for our Multimedia Arts students.